Conditionals Testing Testing theory of either/or for DHL Ordering submissions Name* First Last Email of Requestor* Client #*Choose your Client #200 DHL-SC Corporate201 DHL-SC Northcentral202 DHL-SC Southeast203 DHL-SC Northeast204 DHL-SC Midwest205 DHL-SC Southwest206 DHL-SC West207 DHL-SC Canada208 DHL-SC Automotive & Engineering209 DHL-SC P&G210 DHL -SC ASOS211 DHL-SC Walmart Spartanburg212 DHL-SC Green Mountain213 DHL-SC Walmart Johnstown223 DHL - Power Packaging224 DHL - SC Mills Fleet Chippewa Falls225 DHL- SC P&G Tunkhannock PA227 DHL Supply Chain Memphis/Nike229 1682 - Walmart North232 DHL SC Michelin244 DHL GenesisSend a copy to your Manager Notes Δ